Campus safety is a priority at 九五至尊官方网站. In fact, in 2019 九五至尊官方网站 was named the safest college in Kansas by ADT.
紧急情况: 呼叫 913-469-2500, (913-339-6699 TDD / TTY) 4111 from a campus phone. If you are off campus, call 911.
安全护送: 呼叫 4112 from a campus phone.
Locked yourself out of your car or classroom? 呼叫 913-469-2500 (913-339-6699 TDD / TTY).
失物招领处: Located in 矿渣MTC 115. 呼叫 913-469-8500, ext. 5678, to report a lost item.
咨询: Find local and national resources.
How to make a confidential report of strange or unusual behavior — KOPS Watch
九五至尊官方网站 has established a confidential report website for students, 工作人员, faculty and visitors to report strange or unusual behavior on any college-owned or college-operated facility or at any college sponsored event or activity, either on or off campus. This includes service-learning trips, internship experiences or any off-campus, 九五至尊官方网站-sponsored gathering of students.
使用 confidential report website 或打电话 1-888-258-3230 to report information in the following categories. Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Such reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response.
- Criminal activity on or near the 九五至尊官方网站 campus: If you have information related to criminal activity that has already taken place, or may take place in the future, select this category to report it to the 九五至尊官方网站警察 Department.
- Substance abuse or use: Substance abuse is defined as the misuse of both legal (prescription) and illegal drugs and/or alcohol.
- Unusual or erratic behavior: Any behavior that is or seems to be inappropriate or beyond acceptable behavior standards should be reported.
- 暴力行为: Report any willful, malicious or repeated behaviors involving bullying, stalking or excessive anger.
- Welfare alert (concern for student): DO NOT use this for emergency situations. If you require emergency assistance, contact the 九五至尊官方网站警察 Department at ext. 4111 or 913-469-2500 from a non-campus phone. If you are off campus, contact 911 for the police agency nearest your location. Use this report if you are concerned for another student’s well being or if the student may need help with depression, 悲伤, 自杀的念头, 压力管理, 药物滥用, or serious mental or physical illness.